It’s Valentine's Day so I thought I’d dedicate this blog to some of the things I love most about painting ☺️
First up… at its best, it feels like playing. I could be 7 again, messing around with colours, shapes and textures. I forget all the grown up stuff for a bit! No denying that at other times it feels much more challenging… but when I get stuck, I try to remind myself to channel that inner child who has no expectations of how the painting will turn out. I’ve found that returning to a playful, experimental approach often sees me through - and sometimes leads me to a new, more exciting outcome than I could have anticipated at the start.
Up next: it has to be colour - the pure colours coming out of their tubes in all their vibrancy, and the fun of mixing them together to create all the magical shades in between. I remember in art lessons at school, I often used to enjoy cleaning the palettes at the end. You could discover a whole new spectrum of colours in the sink as the swirling water chose which to mix together. Now, I frequently find myself blending shades straight on the canvas, as I learn when to let the colours build up on the brush and when to select a clean tool. This is something I particularly love exploring in my smaller palette knife pieces. Remembering to be patient between layers is essential to avoid a build up of over-mixed sludgy colours!
Finally, I love how paintings can transport you to a different place. Whether the painting is a recognisable landscape or not, the emotions and response it illicits from its viewer is unique. There is nothing better than seeing that connection occur, and I love knowing one of my pieces has given its new owner a new view to relish in the comfort of their own home.